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"Interpreting Drinking Water Quality Analysis: What do the numbers mean?
Beware Of The Secrets Some On-line Testing Companies Don't Want You to Know.....
There are other mail-order companies offering what looks like our water testing services, but they outsource the actual testing to labs they do not own. They are, in fact, only marketing companies.
Double-check their list of parameters to make sure they are not duplicating some contaminant names just to artificially inflate the total number tests. Another way to inflate their numbers is to list the parameter, and then list the compound's components as separate contaminants.
Check the company's pricing. Often they will provide a discount coupon and then recover the cost by adding the shipping fees as an additional cost.
We include return shipping and don't trick you into thinking you are getting a 'discount'.
Some on-line water testing companies boast that they have had 30,000 to 60,000 customers. You guessed it, these companies have only been in business a couple of years, if that, so there is no way that they have had that many customers in such a short period of time.
In addition, many don't even own the lab that tests their client's drinking water!
Look for companies who spend great sums of money on advertising or offer a tremendous number of different test kits, creating mass confusion. Many of these companies list only a toll-free number to call, but it is impossible to find out where they are located.
We have built our reputation over the last 30 years by being forthright with our customers—you deserve nothing less considering the importance of trusting the company that tests your drinking water.
All of our testing is done in our own lab so we can control the entire testing process. Our lab director is a co-founder and is the person who performs the final review of your water test results. It pays to ask if you aren't sure!
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